5 Ways to Cope with Taper Tantrums


No doubt that when experienced runners saw this headline, they knew exactly what I am talking about, but for those of you who don’t, a little background. As races approach, many a runner, including myself, believe that you should take a couple of weeks to reduce your weekly mileage and let your body recover from the intense training that you put it through, with the hopes that your fitness, nutrition, and rest will all intersect in harmony so that you reach the starting line in peak condition, ready to provide a peak performance.

At my age, I am a little more realistic about it. I look at my taper as a chance to recover from all of the little niggles and lingering injuries that I have from my training and reach the starting line feeling as good and fresh as possible. Or another way to say it, is “It’s better to start healthy with a little less fitness, then fit but unhealthy.” I believe that I can overcome a slight drop in my fitness, but an injury that makes it difficult or painful to run, probably not.

So, now that you know what a taper is, you can probably guess what “taper tantrums” are. Kind of like being “hangry”, you’re so hungry that your angry. If you are around a runner that is tapering, there is the distinct possibility that they will be in a foul mood because they are concerned that they will lose their hard-earned fitness, gain weight, or forget how to run altogether! Completely irrational thoughts, but I have to admit, I have had them. What to do?

Think Positive

Instead of focusing on all of the negative and crazy thoughts, focus on the upside! You will have a little more time with your friends and family, your body will be getting much needed rest and recovery time, and you can even have a little “me time” where you catch up on Game of Thrones or that book you’ve been wanting to read.

Review Your Training Log

This is one of my favorite things to do because it snaps me back to reality! When I see that I’ve run 1,000 miles, done 70,000 feet of vert, and cranked out 5,000 push-ups, I relax and realize that I am not going to lose my fitness because these last two weeks I’m at 60% to 70% of my normal training volume.

Walk, Hike, Ride a Bike

Just because you’re tapering doesn’t mean that you can’t move around! Go for a nice long hike, or a very easy cruise on the bike. Keep your leg muscles primed without taxing them! You’ll feel better and it will help manage any potential weight gain.

Count Calories

Let’s be honest, even though you reduce your activity, your metabolism is probably still in high gear. Keep an eye on your calorie intake and ensure that you do not gain unwanted weight and jeopardize the hard work that you’ve done. I’m not saying to be obsessive about it, but I am pragmatic and do keep an eye on this. It makes me feel better.

Get Over Yourself

Look, I want to PR as much as the next guy, but at the end of the day, I run for fun and for the benefits to my health. I know that whether or not I peak for the race or even finish the race, I am in better health and a better person because of the process. The race and the results are just the icing on the cake. Unless you are a professional that does this to earn a living, don’t lose sight of why you do what you do!

Good luck out there and keep running! Who knows, maybe one day our paths will cross, and if I’m not in the throes of a taper tantrum, I’ll give you a big smile!

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