- Google and find a couch to 5k plan. This will provide you with some structure on how to get to a point where you can run 5k (3.2 miles) without stopping. Once you can do that, you have a platform to work from.
- Go to a proper running store and buy the correct running shoes for your gait. This will help you avoid injury, shin splints, blisters, etc. See my post “How to Choose a Running Shoe” for a deeper dive here.
- Buy a decent running outfit. This will help you feel better, avoid chafing, and keep you properly cooled down or warm depending on your environment.
- Be patient and do not increase your weekly mileage by more then 10% each week. Injuries and pain are generally what cause people to quit. Once you build an aerobic base, running will become much more pleasant!
- Do not worry about speed work until you can comfortably run 5k. Your runs should be at conversational pace. In other words you should be able to carry on a discussion. At first you will probably huff and puff, lord knows I did! But if you keep at it, you will get to a point where your conditioning will allow for you to do this.
- Learn about proper running form. This will help avoid injuries and make you a more efficient runner which will make your experiences more enjoyable! My favorite book is “Chi Running” by Danny Dreyer and Katherine Dreyer. This technique helped me stop having knee pain during and after my runs.
- Sign up for a 5k and represent a charity. This will create accountability and keep you going.
- If you like to run with others, look for a local running club and see what types of beginner runner programs they might offer. Your local running store can probably point you in the right direction!
- Be flexible. If there is a day where life gets in the way, don’t sweat it. Just don’t let it become two or three days. Or try and move that session to a day that you had scheduled off. You are doing this for you, so don’t turn a positive in to a negative or add stress to your life!
- Finally, be kind to yourself! There will be some ups and downs, you are starting something new and challenging, but extremely rewarding. When something doesn’t go your way, reflect, or shoot me an e-mail! When you hit a goal, reward yourself!
If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to starting a life long hobby that has all sorts of health and psychological benefits! Good luck. Remember, I am not a physician, so check with a physician before starting any physical fitness program.
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Follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner
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