The Chris Mocko Show Trucker Hat Unboxing VLOG-3

Chris Mocko is a professional ultra marathon runner that burst on to the scene with his Western States 2016 race, finishing in 7th place. He’s a real cool dude too! Very accessible. There is more stuff to come here at with Chris’ involvement, and I am very excited! Check out his YouTube channel for a lot of laughs and insight in to his daily training and life as a pro…

The Chris Mocko Show

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Randene Rant! Act Like an Adult!

Just the other day I was reminded of why I do not watch much TV. On the news, they said that a youth soccer league in South Carolina has banned parents from making any noise when they watch their children play. They cannot cheer, they cannot yell instructions at their kid, they simply cannot make a sound. They have to sit in silence. Does anyone else find this insane? I understand what the league is trying to do, they are trying to avoid parents having fist fights in the stands and helping the coaches out by not allowing parents to “coach” from the stands. I coached my fair share of Recreational League Soccer, and I understand how difficult it is for the child when the parents are telling them to do something different then the coach.

But here is the thing. Like so much in the world today, 5% to 10% of the people are ruining things for everyone else. I don’t agree with the league’s decision to handle things this way, but I definitely can see why they feel the need to act. However, why not hire police to be at every game, explain to the parents that their fees will go up and why, and that at any moment, a referee or coach can have you removed by the police if you get out of control. And, if things get physical, arrest people. Has society really degenerated to the point that we are physically assaulting each other over a children’s game?

When I coached, I literally met with the parents before the season started and said “Look, I want this to be a great season for everyone, but especially the kids. Please refrain from coaching your kids from the stands because we may have a different view as to what they should be doing and we don’t want to create confusion. If you want to discuss tactics, we will take you on as an assistant coach because we need all of the help we can get.” By the way, we only had one volunteer! Then I would discuss with the parents how we wanted our team to be represented. We expected our parents to treat everyone on our team with dignity and support, and we wanted to do the same for our competitors. I never had a problem.

During coaching meetings when the other coaches would discuss their “problem” children, I would tell them that I never met a bad kid, but I have met my fair share of bad parents. Or maybe a better way to put it, is parents who behaved badly. Either way, by not letting parents cheer for their children, or the other team, we are basically removing an opportunity to teach sportsmanship from the game, and to allow the kids to feel energized by the crowd for their hard work. It is simply ridiculous.

The bottom line is that these leagues should not even have to discuss this issue because parents should show up to these games and act like adults. It doesn’t take a real man or woman to berate children, coaches, referees, or other parents. It just shows how immature you are and you are setting a terrible example for the kids. A real man or woman would cheer and support the entire organization. It is a lot of work to organize, coach, referee, and lead these children in a constructive way, and the majority of the people doing it are not getting paid or are getting paid very little for their time.

Most importantly, this is supposed to be a fun time for the children, where they can make friends, create memories, learn skills and sportsmanship, and start to understand what is required to get results and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The ENTIRE thing should be about the KIDS, not the adults. If you want to help, volunteer to coach or car pool, and always be a positive presence at any game whether it’s for your child or the opponent. Lead by example for other children, and I cannot believe I am going to say this, but for the other parents as well. We have enough tool bags in the world, we certainly don’t need another one. PEACE Joe the Runner

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For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene

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Randene Rant! SHAME Airline! SHAME!

I am officially throwing the bullshit flag on the airlines. In my line of work I travel a lot, and I can tell you right now, in almost any other business, if the customers were treated the way that the airlines treat them, there would be no business.

When someone books a flight, and flying is not cheap, I can assure you that the airlines charge your credit card within seconds. You PAID for that ticket immediately. And you would think that since you paid for said ticket, you would be guaranteed a seat on the plane. But that is not the case. I am sure that you have seen footage on-line of passengers being pulled off of flights by security, or members of families being asked to leave the flight but the rest of their family can remain if they so choose.

Why is this possible? It’s possible because airlines can overbook flights by a certain percentage to make sure that the flights are full despite cancellations. I get it, flying a jet costs a lot of money and the airlines need to stay profitable to stay in business, BUT when this practice blows up in their face, they need to handle these situations much better. After all, who is the customer? Who paid for a ticket that they now are being told is irrelevant?

During the process of taking care of the jaded customer, the airlines should do everything in their power to make things right. Hotels, meals, free airfare, etc. The recent incident with the man they pulled off the flight and broke his teeth and his nose in the process, is a perfect example. EVERYTHING we do is being recorded these days, so it is absolutely mind boggling that this stuff happens, but I digress. When that video hit the internet, the airline went from shelling out a couple a thousand dollars to get someone to come off that flight voluntarily and HAPPILY, to a company that asked that gentleman what size check he would like?

If you recall, immediately after the incident, the man’s lawyer and daughter went on TV and lambasted the airline in question, and a few days later they were on TV saying how wonderfully the airline handled the unfortunate situation. Let me translate, “They wrote us a big ass check! I mean BIG!” Sound like they were a penny smart and a pound foolish to me.

So airlines, here is my message to you. If you are going to play the overbooking game, when you lose, make it an opportunity to shine and make some customer very happy with a free ticket anywhere in the USA or something similar. And train your employees specifically for this type of situation, because they are the face of your company and they are being recorded. If you don’t take heed to what your customers are trying to tell you, I see some more big checks being issued in the near future.

By the way, for the 99% of the flight attendants that I have met and have taken extremely good care of me, I salute you and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Keep putting one foot in front of the other. PEACE! Joe the Runner

I hope that this post and this blog helps you achieve your dreams! To receive new post notifications, newsletters, and post previews, please SUBSCRIBE!

For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments section BELOW and we can have a discussion!

Randene Rants! Jogging in Place Guy

Toolbag: noun: a sturdy bag used by a worker to hold his or her tools

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Toolbag: noun: That guy who jogs in place waiting for the light to turn green

Joe the Runner Dictionary.

Unless you are Nelson Mandela locked away on Robben Island, I cannot think of one good reason to run in place. You all know what I am talking about! That guy (or girl), who is waiting for the light to turn green so they can run across the street. But instead of just standing there sweating and huffing and puffing, they jog in place. Like this is going to keep their heart rate elevated or keep them loose or something?

I WAS that guy, and my friend, Running Brother Dave, wait for it… from England, said to me one run “Fella, what the hell are you doing? You look like an idiot.” And he was right! It accomplished nothing except to give people in the cars at the light something to take pictures of and put up on Facebook! Plus I guarantee that the caption wasn’t “Awesome looking running in place dude at light.” It was probably something like “Really? What does this guy think he’s doing? What… a… TOOLBAG!”

So I stopped. And I am no longer THAT guy. Honestly I have pretty thick skin, so I don’t really care what other people think of me, but why make it easy for them! Just kidding, I don’t care what other people think of me, but I do care what I think of me, and I don’t want to be “jogging in place guy.” I don’t have time to sign all of the autographs…

Keep putting one foot in front of the other. PEACE! Joe the Runner

I hope that this post and this blog helps you achieve your dreams! To receive new post notifications, newsletters, and post previews, please SUBSCRIBE!

For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments section BELOW and we can have a discussion!

Why the Fitbit Community Runs – In Their Words

Ok weirdoes, I asked the Fitbit Running Community to post why they run, and I received comments from the insane to the mundane! They were all awesome, over 60 in total. So I categorized them and picked out a few gems. Some will make you chuckle and some will make you realize that we are all in this thing together. Peace. Joe the Runner

Escape! Not Mental, Literal!!! 8 People

Do these people know something we don’t know?

ava l.: “I run as if I’m being chased by a serial killer only to get home and jump in to my warm, safe, cozy bed.”

Anna F.: “Because I’m too pretty for prison.”

Stacy V.: “I run because the mountain lions are moving in to our neighborhood. Let someone else be their snack!”

lovndonuts: “How else will I get away from the zombies?!” (Based on your name, I think donuts may be another reason to run!)

Brandon P.: “Survival rule #1: Cardio!” Zombieland reference!!! Cool.

Matt L.: “Because zombies eat those who can’t run… or the ones that I “trip”. #zombierunapp”

Josh T.: “I run so it will be hard for the cops to catch me.”

Therapy/Alone Time/Medical 21 People

This is very interesting because many people discussed managing their anxiety through running, and an upcoming profile that I am working on, the person said the same thing. So there seems to be something here in regards to running and managing depression and anxiety.

Lori W.: “I run because I have asthma and when I didn’t run I would get a walking pneumonia twice a year. Now I don’t! And I’m addicted!”

AmandaaPanda: “I run for me, because it’s the best anti-anxiety medicine I know of, because everyone in my family has high blood pressure and/or diabetes and I want better than that for myself. I think a better question would be: Why wouldn’t I run?”

Simone M.: “Because doctors said I would never walk… 27 miles a week now.”

Sarah H.: “Because I’m a kindergarten teacher, a wife, and a mother of 2. And I am bat s*#% crazy by the end of the day! The running is great stress relief and keeps my mood in check!”

Erica W.: “I run because it’s the only time alone I have to myself. Mother of 4, wife, full time job etc. Let’s face it, love my Famdamily, but the truth is that they follow me EVERYWHERE always need something!!!!! Now one wants to follow me when I run… so I guess reality is-is that I am running from them (totally kidding)!!! It’s my stress relief and I can wear cute clothes and still drink wine.”

Samantha R.: “I run so I don’t have to be reminded of all the stresses at home. I run because I literally don’t think about anything at all except breathing. I run because I love exercise. I run because I like my body better when I’m in shape.”

Kaitlin: “I run because I’m a better me on days I run. Seriously, I am intolerable when I can’t run.”

Amanda W.: “I run because my dad died at 54 from his 12th heart attack and my mom is about to have open heart surgery. I run to keep my heart and body healthy.”

Jason M.: “I walk!! I have lost 20 lbs, I can actually breathe again and I feel good about myself, which is a little scary right now, LOL. I see everyone posting their runs and how good they feel about it; it excites me. I am ready to start running, to quit smoking, etc.”

Mary R.: “Anti-anxiety medicine.”

Role Models/Inspire 7 People

Natasha S.: “I run so my daughter knows she can do anything if she really wants it!!!”

Josh C.: “I always thought my dad was Superman. I run so my kids will think I am!”

Summer C.: “I run for the runner’s high and also because I have 5 kids. I want to be athletic again and inspire my kids! It feels good to set personal goals and ACHIEVE them!”

Sharon !.: “I started running because my 7 year old wanted to run a 5k. We started training together and I’ve been enjoying running so much with him, I’ve started running by myself so I can challenge myself as much as I challenge him. At 46 years old, I’ve surprised myself.”

Candy N.: “I run because my teenage daughters need to see that there is more to life than going to work and coming home.”

Emmanuel P.: “I’m running for the benefit of everyone living today, maybe seeing my fat ass plugging away at it will make some people realize that they can do it too.”

Ron T.: “I run to stay in shape, relax while I listen to scripture and/or music, inspire others that it’s never too late to press beyond your perceived limits (joined a gym for the first time at 58, first HM at 60 and will run my first Marathon at 61). Also to raise money for clean water wells and sanitation training Africa through Team World Vision.” Side note here, Ron is one of my favorite Fitbit peeps! He is just so positive and awesome!

Food/Beer/Weight Loss/Weight Management 15 People

Julie F.: “I run because when I was 85 lbs heavier I could barely walk around the block, and I’m never going back there again!”

Ken D.: “I run so I can eat like a 17 year old boy. And so I can keep up with the young kids in my old man adult hockey league.”

Melissa: “I run because when I have grandchildren I want to be able to chase and play with them. Also because I love to eat.”

EricaMcC: “At first it was weight loss… but now it is for sanity… who am I kidding? Today it was for Oreos and wine haha. Most days for nachos and long runs are set for burgers!!!”

Appreciation/Fun/Challenge 14 People

Joe H.: “Because I can.”

Zef A.: “Because I was invited to sing with the Prague Symphony Orchestra in November and I need to have all of the confidence, strength, and stamina I can muster.”

Shreya M.: “I run because it’s a good habit that I want to get in to. It’s healthy and my routine has changed drastically (in a good way).”

Devin G.: “I run because I love it. Simple.”

Shawn C.: “I run so I can brag a bit that I am a 45 year old, out of shape dad, that can do a 10 mile race.”

Daria: “I do it because when I run, I feel so close to God, close enough to him to see heaven. And because the scenery is absolutely beautiful.”

Jen S.: “I run because of the euphoric feeling I get of accomplishment by the fat girl that lives in my mind!!!”

A League of Their Own

Ericka: “It’s my stress relief and also keeps my German Shepherd/Rottweiler’s energy at a tolerable level.”

This may be the best reason to run…

KEaster1: “I run to the table when dinner is ready… does that count?” YES IT DOES!

The post was a little longer then usual, but I wanted to share a lot of the answers with you. There were so many more, so if I didn’t put yours out there, sorry! I was running out of space… You are all amazing, and I thank you all for the replies. INCREASE THE PEACE! Joe the Runner

I hope that this post and this blog helps you achieve your dreams! To receive new post notifications, newsletters, and post previews, please SUBSCRIBE!

For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments section BELOW and we can have a discussion!