Have you ever had one of those runs where you get about half way through and everything just feels wrong? You’re training for a marathon and after five miles you are just dying, and you start to walk. Then this thought pops in to your head, “If I can’t run five miles, how the hell can I run 26.2 miles?” Maybe you are half way through your training program, or more, and the grind is getting to you. And, it’s probably hella hot and humid for the tenth run in a row. Welcome to the summer swoon.
I thought this would be a good time to discuss this, because I have had this conversation with more than half of my clients recently, and have experienced it myself, like EVERY summer… This could easily turn in to a post about beating the heat, but it’s not. You have all probably read the “get up early”, “run later in the day”, and “hydrate” summer articles a million times. And, if you’re like me, you probably squeeze most runs in when your life allows. So, you will be running in the heat, and it will take a toll on you.
But here’s the good news. If you trust the process, all of your suffering will pay off during your fall racing season or goal race. Despite how mentally challenging it is when you have a difficult short run in the brutal heat, the fact is that your body is adapting. The runs feel harder because they are harder. When you run in the heat, more blood rushes to your skin to assist with cooling and less blood is going through your heart and to your muscles. Your body responds by thickening your blood and increasing your heart rate to get oxygen to the muscles you are using via your blood stream. However, inevitably, your active muscles are getting less oxygen and you get tired faster. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL PEOPLE!
So, what to do? This is going to hurt… Slow down. Even if it means some walk breaks. If it is extremely hot, stop worrying about your splits and do your best to get the work out in based on your perceived effort. And then rest easy that you will be fine come race day. It is so easy to start and play those mind games with yourself that if you struggled with five miles, you’ll never run 26.2 miles. But you will. Most of our country will start to see cooler temps within the next four weeks or so, and suddenly all of that work you did in the heat will pay off big time! Your perceived effort will come way down, and your pace will improve! Long runs won’t seem as difficult and the miles will increase. YOU WILL BE FINE. So, the next time you feel like a run that you should be killing is giving you fits, smile, slow down, and look ahead to September…
Disclaimer time! We do live in litigious times after all. There are risks associated with running in the heat, so please take them in to account. I am not a physician, so please ensure that you work with yours to stay safe. Hydrate, and hydrate often. Monitor your sweat output. If it is hot and you are not sweating, stop. Find a cool place and hydrate slowly. This post is NOT encouraging you to run in the heat, it is simply discussing what we runners go through in the heat and helping people understand that what they are feeling is real and that their training will be impacted. But alas, the summer will pass, and we will be stronger!
For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner Strava: Joe Randene YouTube: Joe Runner Facebook: Joe Randene
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