If you do not eat anything after 7pm you’ll lose weight.
I’ve heard this a thousand times, and it is simply not true! What you eat and do the rest of the day matters, there is no magic here. If you have acid reflux, this is good advice, or if you do not digest well, doing this may help you sleep better, but if all you do is stop eating at 7pm everyday without looking at your entire day of eating and activities, you will be very disappointed with the result, or lack there of.
Super foods.
This term has become all the rage recently and it is complete crap. “Kale is the new super food.” “Turmeric is the new super food.” There are foods that are good for you and there are foods that do not have a whole lot of nutritional value. Unfortunately these are the foods that usually have the most calories too! Regardless, if you were to maintain all of your unhealthy habits but eat these “super” foods, you will just gain more weight! Even “super” foods have calories. Don’t get me wrong, kale is good for you, but it is not mystical or “super”! You need a comprehensive approach to your nutrition. For a quick start read: “Lose Weight Without Being Hungry”.
My Metabolism is Slow.
If you have been diagnosed by a doctor for a condition and have been prescribed medication, you are off the hook. For the other 99.5% of us, stop lying to yourself! You do not have slow metabolism. In fact, the bigger you are, the higher your metabolism is. Coach Jose Rodriguez from APE Shape Fitness said to me during our interview “I get the genetic thing a lot. What you inherited is the lifestyle choices of your parents. Genetics does not pay as big of a role as we’d like to believe it does. Its basic physics, if you are 300 pounds it will take more energy to walk a block than someone who is 100 pounds, therefore the 300 pound person actually has a higher metabolism.”
Losing weight is very simple, NOT EASY; simple. You need to create a calorie deficit. There are two levers you can pull to do this. One is to burn more calories and the second is to eat less calories. I suggest you work them in tandem with a balanced approach. Increase your calorie burn with exercise and limit your calorie intake by eating foods that have low calorie density. We all know which foods they are: vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lean meats and fish. Coach Jose does a great job helping people with this approach and is offering a 50% discount on his introductory package for anyone who mentions my blog when they sign up for on-line coaching.
If it sounds too good to be true, it is. But you can lose weight if you make the right choices consistently. Remember, you’re not alone, we are here to help!
To see behind the scenes training photos and activities follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner
Read Coach Jose’s incredible story: “From 120 Pounds Overweight to MMA Champion”
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Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments box and we can have a discussion!
Good points Joe! The not eating after 7 is really an attempt to curb those who eat crap late in the evening. Their are several cultures that prodominatly eat most of their calories in the evening right before bed. The second issue of “superfoods” is simply addressed by YOU CAN EAT TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING! Try eating a whole bag of apples in a day and tell me you don’t have a negative reaction lol.
Thanks Jose. I felt like this went back to the discussion we had about you wanting to clear up the myths that are out there about weight loss, nutrition, and excercise. There are a lot of good intentions out there, but at the end of the day it comes down to good choices. Eat REAL foods, not processed, excercise regularly, and keep yourself accountable.
It’s true. Lots of myths out there. Or even conditional myths. Where as someone learns how another does it and based on how that person looks it’s easy to assume they are doing it right. But there are many variables at play to our body composition what is working or isn’t working might not be apparent or applicable to another. It’s the “ifs, and or buts!” If you do — then you have — but if you don’t — and — this will happen. It’s chemistry. Certain things separately may not have a reaction yet when I combine them they are explosive or give me the reaction I desire.